Tuesday, August 21, 2012

We've had family in town, and I haven't been able to log in or post. I also, have not been able to get on Pinterest, so I feel I'm having withdrawal symptoms! Today's focus is getting my house in order! I'm cleaning and making a fresh loaf of homemade bread! Hope everyone is having an awesome Tuesday!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I went to Harris Teeter today for Super Doubles.  I got some awesome deals! That's a whole different story though! I took all three of my monkeys children with me, and as usual it was an adventure.  Upon returning home, I asked my son to take the keys, and unlock the door.  I gave him the exact key needed.  I walk up to the door, toddler on my hip, grocery bags in my hands, only to see Nathan standing by the door keys in hand.

Me: Nathan, why isn't the door open.
Nathan: Umm because I dropped them, and I don't know which key is the right one.  I'm only 5, mom.
Me: Yes. I'm well aware. 

So, I made a mental note to buy some of those key color covers.  Until I logged into pinterest and found this idea! Nail polish to color code your keys! Why haven't I thought of that?  So here is my before/after! Easy peasey! ;)

(Yes, it does match my nails! I'm obsessed with my new polish Mint Madness!)

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Free Printables? Why yes, I'd love some!

I have been sick these past few days, and am "taking it easy" as per orders from the doctor, and hubby.  So, I figured I could use this down time to find some cute printables to frame and hang around the house.  Here's a few cool sites I've sound so far:

Eighteen25 - This is their Subway art collection! I LOVE this! Each one is so adorable!!!
Chevron Invitations & Tags – The TomKat Studio

I’m Sew Very Happy Print – CRAFT
Kokeshi Doll Recipe Cards – Creative Mamma
Vintage Round Labels – Cathe Holden
Summer Fruit Labels & Tags – Creature Comforts
Handmade Labels for Gifts – Everything Etsy
Whatever Is Printable – Arian Armstrong
Vintage Shell Clip Art – Martha Stewart
Live a Colorful Life – Everything Etsy
Toy Bin Storage Tags – Lily Jane
Recycling Bin Labels – Poppytalk
I Love Us Print – Eighteen25

Let me know if you know of any other cute printables!

Good Morning!